40 Acres
Property Description
Wyoming hard to find large acreage situated on flat ground just north of Interstate-80, this property is located close to Tipton-North Road Route 67. There is a lot of gas and oil exploration in the area! This land is for investment with possibilities of natural resources located in Wyoming.
We offer OWNER FINANCING with a $299 down payment and $249 processing fee.
Then just $249 per month for 103 months at 8% interest.
GPS Coordinates: 41.89960, -108.34935
Land #: L-07373
APN or Assessor Parcel #: R0148991 / PIDN#: 2297-11-2-00-046-00 148991 42297110000000000000
Legal Description: NE1/4 NW1/4 SECTION 11 T22N R97W
County/State: Sweetwater County, Wyoming
Size: 40 Acres
The price of the property is $18,741..
>The closing cost and Deed filing and transfer is only a low $249.
There is also an option to purchase via seller’s financing and make monthly installment payments.
>A $299 down payment is required
>The monthly payment option is just $249/month at 8.0 % (APR) interest. There are no prepayment penalties, and you can pay the loan down or off at any time saving on or avoiding future interest expense.
>Property taxes are pro-rated and added to your monthly payment. Yearly Property Tax= $87 or $7.25 per month.
Coordinates: 41.89960, -108.34935
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- GPS Coordinates of the lot are: 41.89960, -108.34935
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Mortgage Options
Owner Finance
Recently viewed Properties
Tipton, WY 82336 – Sweetwater County
40 Acres $18,741.00or$249.00 / monthCoordinates: 41.89960, -108.34935.
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Absolutely no credit checks
(we don't even look at your credit report)
Guaranteed financing
Down payments as low as $299
Payments start at $99 a month